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Birth Pool in a Box Regular White / 1-pers. + Water Birth Kit Standard

New! With this purchase, you’ll have the latest version of the Birth Pool in a Box birthing pool and a liner for a safe and hygienic water birth. This pool combines ease of use, reliability, and medically supported features with an aesthetically pleasing design.

See the description below for the full contents of the package.

Please note: This new white version of the Birth Pool in a Box is currently only available for purchase, not for rental.

259,50 excl. tax

Additional Information

Birth Pool in a Box | 20th Anniversary Edition

To celebrate the 20th anniversary of Birth Pool in a Box, we are launching a white version of the world's most popular birthing pool. Without compromising on safety and quality, you can now choose the colour of the birthing pool that best suits your preferences for the birth experience.

This new birthing pool features a warm white colour with minimal beige printing. The handles and valves on the air chambers are also white. The pool retains the same characteristics that ensure functionality, quality, and safety as the blue birthing pool.

White Base

The pool's base is white, providing optimal visibility for your midwife. This creates a clear contrast between you, your baby, and any potential blood loss.

Transparent Inner Side & Opaque Outer Side

The inner side of the air chambers is transparent, allowing more light to reach the white base. The outer side, however, is opaque, providing a sense of privacy—an important element in helping you stay in your “birthing bubble.”

Five Separate Air Chambers

The pool is designed with three evenly distributed, separate air rings and two additional air chambers for the base and seat. This makes it easy to adjust the height and prevents the pool from becoming uneven or misshapen. These separate air chambers also provide added safety in the event of a rare leak.

Clear Visibility

Blue and white colours are known for providing the clearest visibility in water. This enhances the healthcare provider’s ability to monitor the mother and baby effectively.

Contents of the Premium Birth Pool Package

With this purchase, you have all the essential items for a safe and hygienic water birth. All included items are brand new and unused.

  • Birth Pool in a Box white birthing pool (single-person);
  • Hygienic Birth Pool in a Box liner;
  • Electric air pump (also for deflating);
  • Electric submersible pump to drain the pool after use (1500L/h, empties the pool in about 30 minutes!);
  • 10-meter non-toxic water hose (for filling and draining; dispose after use for the most hygienic method);
  • Universal tap adaptors (fits 99 out of 100 taps);

The birthing pool and electric air pump can be kept for future use. Other products can be discarded or cleaned for personal use. The pool can be reused at home for a future baby or recreational purposes. Please be cautious when children are using the pool due to its height and water depth. This birthing pool is not suitable for repeated professional use.

Optional Quooker Adapter

If you have a Quooker or Quooker Flex tap at home, you can opt for the Quooker adapter to connect the water hose to your tap.

Shipping and Returns

If the pool and included package are unused and unopened, they can ALWAYS be returned, regardless of how long you have had the pool in your possession. We consciously extend this policy beyond the standard 14-day return period to ensure you can prepare for your birth with peace of mind.

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Heel mooi product, eenvoudig op te zetten, af te breken en op te ruimen. Daarnaast een ontzettend fijne service. Erg vriendelijk en begaan met het levensmoment waarvoor het bad wordt gebruikt.
Snelle levering. Goede materialen. Goed bereikbare klantenservice. Erg vriendelijk. Ik had een aantal artikelen niet gebruikt en mocht deze toch nog retourneren. Zeker een aanrader!
Het bad is een zaligheid tijdens een bevallingsproces. Mijn partner en ik hebben er graag gebruik van gemaakt. Je kan ook ongebruikte, nog gesloten verpakking spullen retourneren (mits verzendingskosten voor eigen rekening).
Super tevreden over de service, kwaliteit en uitleg die je er bij krijgt. De uitleg wordt zowel naar de zwangere als de partner gestuurd (indien gewenst), handig en prettig. Opzetten vh bad verliep vlekkeloos, alle materialen zijn bijgevoegd in een doos die wegwerpbaar zijn. Bij mijn eerste bevalling heb ik veel gehad aan de warmte, ruimte en ontspanning vh bad, jammer genoeg verliep mijn 2e bevalling te snel dus het bad was nog niet genoeg gevuld, wel hebben we onze dochter daarna nog even in het bevelbad gedaan wat ook heel leuk was;) Dank bevallingsbaden!!
Heel blij met service. Het bevalbad werd op de juiste dag geleverd en alles is heel professioneel ingepakt en met duidelijke instructies. Ook het terugsturen is zo gedaan!

Additional information

Weight 16 kg
Dimensions 61 × 40 × 53 cm
External dimensions

Mini; 165 x 145 cm - 65" x 57"
Regular; 193 x 165 cm - 76" x 65"

Internal dimensions

Mini; 114 x 94cm - 45" x 37"
Regular; 142 x 114cm - 56" x 45"

Internal Height

Mini; 66cm - 26"
Regular; 69cm - 27"

Depth of Water

Mini; Min 45cm - 18", max 55cm - 22"
Regular; Min 45cm - 18", max 58cm - 23"

Rim width

Mini; 25cm - 10"
Regular; 25cm - 10"

Inflated floor

Mini; 5cm - 2"
Regular; 5cm - 2"

Built-in Seat

Mini; Yes
Regular; Yes

Integrated Cup Holder

Mini; Yes
Regular; Yes

Disposable liner

Mini; Liner included with personal pool
Regular; Liner included with personal pool

Pool Material

0.38mm Eco PVC- Personal pool. Cadmium, Lead and Latex free.

Liner material

0.20mm Eco PVC. Cadmium, Lead and Latex free.

Room for partner

Mini; No
Regular; Yes

Volume of Water (80% Full)

Mini; 480 litres
Regular; 650 litres

Weight when filled

Mini: 487kg (1,017 lbs) plus mother
Regular: 659kg (1,450 lbs) plus mother


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