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Water birth tips

A water birth requires a little bit of extra preparation. Our Birth Pool in a Box provides you with all the tools you will need for a successful water birth. We also provide you with further information, a checklist, and tips to prepare you and your partner optimally for a water birth.

Preparing for Water Birth

What is the best way to prepare for a water birth? When you opt for a water birth you have to make extra arrangements and preparations.

What birth pool should you choose? Where should you place the birth pool? And what other items are needed? We are here to support you and provide you with answers!
How to prepare for a water birth

Water Birth Checklist

We have created a water birth checklist to help prepare you for a water birth. You may consult this document as needed.
View checklist

Water Birth Clothing

What should you wear when birthing in water? Of course, you should be the one making decisions about what, if any, clothing will make you most comfortable. Here we provide you with some tips that can help you make this decision.
Advice on dressing for water birth

Water Birth and Pain Management

The warm water of the birth pool has an analgesic effect on the labouring mother and allows for a more relaxing and soothing birth experience. While in the warm water, a woman’s body is less likely to secrete stress-related hormones. Instead, her body will produce pain inhibitors – endorphins – that complement labour and decrease pain. Of course, there are also other forms of pain management that can help during water labour and birth.
Water & forms of pain management

Water Birth in your Bathtub

Using a bathtub is not recommended for water birth. In general, bathtubs are too small. They therefore constrain the birthing mother’s movements. Bathtubs also raise a number of hygiene concerns. You should make sure that a birth pool meets safety and hygiene standards so that you can ensure a comfortable, safe, and pleasant water birth experience.
Safety Standards of a birth pool

Water birth & bowel movements

During labour, especially when pushing, it is very natural for you to have a bowel movement. Having a bowel movement is something that is part of birthing and quite common.
water birth & Bowel movements

Tips for partners

Birthing in water requires some extra preparations from you as the partner. You can set up and fill the birth pool. You should support your partner when exiting and entering the pool and ensure that she stays hydrated.
More info for Partners


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