We take care of your water birth.

Waterbirth videos

Watch beautiful water birth vidoes. See a variety of beautiful and moving water births from YouTube.

Birth of Fabien

Home water birth in Aberdeen, Scotland with two dedicated midwives and a birth pool in a box.

Birth of Sloane

Home birth of Sloan in a Birth Pool in a Box birth pool.

Home water birth

The home water birth of our Rainbow Baby on July 17th, 2013.

Positive water birth

The whole birth was such an incredible experience and way beyond what we could have hoped for.

Birth of Novi-jaxx

Dutch influencer Nienke Plas gave birth in our birth pool. Baby Novi-Jaxx was born at home. (video in Dutch)

Birth of Lexie Joy

Home birth in water of their birth child.

Have you decided to use one of our birth pools for your water birth?

You have seen a number of women labour and birth in water. Would you like to know more about water births or birth pools? Read more about these topics at: Advantages of water birth or Waterbirth at home


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